Dental Exam and Cleaning Near Me in Haverhill

Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me Dental exams and cleaning are absolutely important, find a dentist near you to get started. As part of maintaining your oral health, a dental exam involves a thorough evaluation of your teeth, gums, and mouth in general which may include X-rays. Dental cleaning on the other hand involves the …

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Dental Crowns Near Me in Haverhill

Dental Crowns Near Me Dental crowns can be made of resin, metal, or porcelain. Find a dental crown specialist near you. What is a dental crown? A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap used by dentists for restorative purposes. The crown covers your entire tooth and hides cracks and breakages. Why would you need a …

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dental cleaning

What’s Involved In A Dental Exam & Cleaning? Haverhill MA

Scheduling your exam and cleaning today will help protect your dental health, which is important in maintaining exceptional oral health. The most basic appointment involves a bi-annual cleaning that maintains the strength of our teeth. Regular appointments are necessary to prevent diseases from occurring, as well as decay on our teeth. What to Expect  Routine …

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cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Improve Your Confidence | Haverhill MA

There are many cosmetic dental procedures available to you today that can improve your smile. A simple change in your smile, such as aligning teeth or repairing chipped teeth with veneers, can make a huge difference in the way you look and feel about yourself. It also changes how others perceive you! Cosmetic dentistry aims …

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teeth whitening

5 Questions to Consider Before Scheduling your Teeth Whitening Treatment in Haverhill MA

If you’re planning to get your teeth whitened, it’s important that you do your research to find the right dentist and dental practice. The bleaching procedure is generally safe and effective when done by a dentist during the first visit, and under a dentist’s supervision for subsequent treatments. That said, everyone should first visit a …

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infected tooth treatment

Infected Tooth Pain – Do I Need An Extraction? Haverhill MA

It is normal to have bacteria in your mouth covering the teeth, tongue, and other oral tissues. However, tooth infections can occur when bacteria penetrates the exterior of your tooth (enamel and dentin), and reaches the tooth pulp, or settles in deep gum pockets where it can’t be reached with regular brushing. Poor dental hygiene, …

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cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentist Near Me, Haverhill MA

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of professional oral care aimed at improving the appearance of your teeth and smile. A beautiful smile is vital for a successful life, both professionally and socially. It makes you appear happy, healthy, and attractive, which gives you great confidence in your various pursuits and makes you feel like you …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns Near Me, Haverhill MA

Crowns are one of the most popular restorative and cosmetic treatments in dentistry. They provide a strong and durable cap that holds together a tooth that has been severely damaged and weakened by trauma or decay, helping to save a tooth that may otherwise have been extracted.  Other benefits of tooth crowns include: 1. Prevent …

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teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Near Me, Haverhill MA

White teeth are associated with beauty, increased confidence, and a healthy lifestyle. However, smoking and chewing tobacco, drinking black tea or coffee and wine, using medications such as tetracycline, swallowing too much fluoride, and aging can cause your teeth to become stained. Teeth whitening or bleaching involves the use of simple and non-invasive treatments designed …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns Treatment – What to Expect | Haverhill MA

Your dentist may recommend dental crowns if you have a severely decayed or fractured tooth that cannot be successfully restored using dental filling or bonding. Crowns can also be used to strengthen a tooth that has been treated with root canal therapy; to support dental bridgework for replacing missing teeth; or to act as the …

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